Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's A New Day At CDC

Melissa Fahrenbruch, Professional Development Team Lead, said the most important thing Building Asthma-Friendly Schools attendees can take with them is to “learn something new: a concept, tools or resources. Also, try and meet someone new and continue networking.” Her presentation, “It’s a New Day,” offered attendees an overview of the CDC’s emphases: high accountability for improvements in health outcomes; strategic focusing; data-driven decision making; and stronger support to state and local agencies.

Melissa asked the group “How does our investment (DASH funds) in your professional development activities affect outcomes/impact at the state/local levels?” She said sometimes it’s a challenge to know unless partners document results by writing success stories. “It’s hard for us to brag if we don’t hear from you.” She offered tips to enhance professional development activities: work with your project officer—look at possible outcomes; attend events that relate to your work plan activities and narrow your focus. “There are ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ there’s a big difference between the two. Remember, we’re in this with you all.”

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